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School Governing Body

The School Governing Body (SGB) is Laddsworth's executive with the members utilising their various, diverse skills and expertise to synchronise with the School's Management team in the running of our special school and to ensure Laddsworth's future prosperity. The SGB members are placed in their positions by the school parents and must, at all times, act in the best interests of our 'customers' - the boys and girls who fill our school with their fun and laughter. We are humbled by the trust placed in us and remain mindful that Laddsworth is evolving and metamorphosing as a result of the incredible growth we are experiencing, plus other extraneous factors.

Congruous to the above, and in keeping with other strategic objectives, Laddsworth is run on sound business principals. We balance our books to ensure parents receive the best return on investment they can get. Due to the aforesaid growth and to widen the base or scope of the SGB, we decided to introduce sub-committees, covering various important portfolios, chaired by the relevant SGB member who reports to the SGB. This has allowed us to tap into a larger pool of expertise within the Laddsworth diaspora, all for the school's benefit.

To address the growth being experienced in pupil numbers and to improve on our 'customer service' the SGB have embarked on the upgrading of the school's built environment and sport facilities, along with its IT equipment. Already we have installed a new, networked computer system in the administration block (which has brought some smiles to faces there) and the provision of 'state-of-the- art' electronic whiteboards (or their equivalent) in the classrooms is being investigated. The drafting of the facilities master plan has already begun under the guidance of an architect who is highly respected and experienced in the education field.

Exciting times at Laddsworth are indeed ahead!

The office bearers for the Laddsworth Governing Body are as follows:

SGB 2024

ROW 1: Mrs T Matias, Mr T Ngcobo (Vice-Chairman), Mr G Lambooy (Headmaster), Mrs C Porritt (Chairlady), Mrs T Jager
ROW 2: Ms B Krusekopf, Mrs Coetzee, Mr J van der Merwe, Mr D Look, Mrs J van der Merwe, Mrs K Germiquet, Mrs L Wolhuter