Excursion policy
Touring and hosting tours have educational value, and are considered to be an important feature in the school's wider extra-curricular programme. Sports tours motivate players and stimulate improvement in our sport. Cultural tours enrich the curricular programme. Both types of tours have valuable social benefits and promote school spirit.
Staff leadership of a tour is of the utmost importance. A tour can be considered only if experienced and competent staff are available to lead it. A proposal about the staff to lead a tour should first be discussed with the principal. As a rule, two members of staff should accompany a tour. For large groups, a minimum of one teacher per 30 students, excluding the tour leader is desirable.
Staff leaders are required to be familiar with the policy document "Guidelines for staff in charge of a tour". Sport tours are undertaken by first teams. Under-age teams are, generally speaking, not permitted to go on tour. Invitations to tournaments will be considered on an ad hoc basis by the senior management team.
Funding of Tours
- A basic principle is that parents of tour members are responsible for meeting the costs of their child.
- Staff supervising the tour are not required to meet any costs. Their expenses must be provided for in the tour budget.
- Provision will be made to assist pupils whose families are unable to contribute their full cost.
- Mini-tours (weekend or overnight) relatively close to the school, and recreational expeditions such as river trips, hikes etc, should be self-supporting, and are not subsidized by the school.
- Expenses in hosting tours are met by the school.