Language policy
The medium of instruction at Laddsworth is English and any learner seeking admission must show sufficient proficiency in the language to cope with and benefit from the education offered at the school.
This policy is in accordance with the wishes of the community we serve. Parents chose to send their children to Laddsworth so that their children can be taught all subjects, other than Afrikaans and Zulu, in English so that English as the “International” language can be mastered. The school upholds cultural diversity and, as language is an integral part of one’s culture and identity, we strive to inculcate a sense of value and worth in all languages.
As such, the languages offered at Laddsworth are as follows:
- English Home Language
- Afrikaans First Additional Language
- Zulu First Additional Language (Grade 4 – 7 only)
All of the educators at Laddsworth are English First Language speakers and are most proficient and comfortable teaching in this language. Every effort is made to ensure that Afrikaans and Zulu are taught by educators proficient in those languages. Once a parent has chosen to enroll their child at Laddsworth they would have to accept the language status quo as outlined above.
Language Policy – Grade 1 – 3
In line with the Curriculum Assessment and Policy Statement (CAPS) to be introduced into the Foundation Phase from 2012, the following policy will be adopted at Laddsworth.
English will be the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) for all Grades. Grades 1 to 3 will have English instruction for 8 hours a week. Afrikaans will be the First Additional Language, introduced from Grade 1 for all Grade 1 to 3 pupils. Grades 1 and 2 will have Afrikaans instruction for 2 hours a week and Grade 3 will have Afrikaans instruction for 3 hours a week.
Language Policy: Grade 4-7
In line with the Curriculum Assessment and Policy Statement (CAPS) to be introduced into the Intermediate Phase from 2013, the following policy will be adopted at Laddsworth.
English will be the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) for all Grades. Grade 4 – 6 will have English instruction for 6 hours a week. Grade 7 will have English instruction for 5 hours a week.
Afrikaans OR isiZulu will be the First Additional Language for all Grade 4 – 7 pupils. At the end of Grade 3, the children, in conjunction with their parents, will select either Afrikaans or isiZulu as their First Additional Language. Grades 4 – 7 will receive 5 hours per week instruction in the First Additional Language and Grade 7 pupils will receive 4 hours a week instruction in the First Additional Language.
Children who have selected a First Additional Language from Grade 4, may, after consultation with the class teacher, the language teacher, the Principal, and the parents, change to the alternative First Additional Language with the knowledge that it will be their responsibility to catch up concepts that might have been missed.
Every effort will be made by the school to ensure that parents are well informed about the language choices to be made at the end of Grade 3. Parent meetings will be held with each grade for 2012, and from 2013, with the Grade 3 classes.
This policy is reviewed annually.